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In the jungle, every day is an unpredictable adventure! But to safely navigate the vines, animals, and tricky terrain, we’ll need a guide to help lead us. This four-week series follows the life of Moses and his journey to leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Through his story, we’ll discover how God teaches us how to lead, and learn how to follow God’s lead as God leads us to safety, and to what we need.​

Grow Children's Ministry Curriculum and Annual Strategy. ©2018 Stuff You Can Use. All rights reserved.

Join us on Sunday mornings for Children's Church as we continue with our new curriculum through Grow. We go downstairs immediately following worship. We are excited about this new opportunity to see students Grow in Jesus. 
Our current series is "LEAD THE WAY"

Just a few words about this month's unit from our friends at Grow Children's Ministry: